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15:35 Mon 2 June 03

So on Saturday H said he'd ring me Sunday "sometime", so when Nils asked if I could do his laundry Sunday it was fine by me because I intended to stay home all day in anticipation of H's call.

Nils arrived with two loads' worth around midday. I put these through the machine and hung them out, which somehow exhausted me (damn anaemia again, I expect, although I have been taking iron supplements), so I went back to bed at a bit before 2pm.

Nils had suggested we could go for a steak but I said I was waiting on a phone call and feeling "very cactus" anyway, so the deal was I'd bring his laundry back in the evening.

Woke up at 4.30 and went out to check the line. Rang Nils. "How you expect me to dry two full loads of laundry, including several fleecy things, in this weather, in under three hours, I do not know. The only thing that's dry are your boxers."

He said the stuff dried fine last time.

"Yeah, but last time there were less fleecies and it was quite warm and there was a breeze. Today it was only warm in the sun and there was no breeze, and, look, it's getting dark already. What should I do?"

He needed stuff to wear for work so I said I'd bring what was nearly dry and the rest would do an overnighter, and meantimes I'd been asleep all afternoon and needed a shower so I'd see him around 6.30...

One T-shirt, one pair of trackies, two shirts, one pair of socks... and the boxers... brought them in and arranged them on the bed and turned on the fan heater, then went to have a shower. Managed to be out the door by five to six. Then had to wait 20+ minutes for a bus. Rang Nils and said I'd been waiting for a bus 20 minutes (at that stage) and he said something about roadworks, but there were no roadworks I could see, just a deficit of buses. So it was a case of "see you when I see you".

Bus eventually came, by which time there were about 15 people wanting to get on. Got on, found seats... bus crawled all the way to K street, then crawled all the way along K street. Could not see any roadworks. Could not see any lanes closed. Could not for the life of me figure out why traffic was so slow.

So it was after 6.30 by the time I got there.

Anyway, three girls got on at the start of K street and I was trying to watch them without seeming to be staring. They looked to be early 20s. One looked rather like Kate Winslett. Another had the most fabulous natural gingery hair (which I was coveting, hah). It was impossible not to overhear their conversation and it made me feel slightly sad, because at that age I didn't have any close girlfriends and I have always felt like one of the reasons I'm not a sane, balanced adult now is that I didn't have any proper peer validation happening in my early adulthood.


Got off the bus, crossed the road, started walking down Nils' street. Paused for a moment to talk to a black & white kitty and was startled to find Nils standing next to me. Seems he'd decided to come up and meet me.

How nice. :)

We had a platonic hug and he massaged my ego a little (I did say I was cranky because I hadn't received the call I was waiting on, but made a point of not saying who it was I was waiting to hear from - coz it's just not worth listening to Nils rant about H).

Then I set off down K street to find a late-night grocers so I could buy some basic supplies (bread, milk, a bit of fruit). Then waited another 20+ minutes for a bus home.

So the round trip took a bit over twice what it should. Damn stupid public transport, bah.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]