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very frond of you
16:40 Tue 3 June 03

It has been a quiet day so far. I finally went to bed about 7am and slept through til 2-ish. This is naughty of me given I knew I would have to do some organising (of documents, re the loan), but that still left the best part of three business hours in which to do stuff, and all I had to do really (at this stage, anyway) was make 3 phone calls, so that was okay. :)

It was a lovely warm sunny day today, although the forecast predicted rain at some point. Thankfully most of Nils' washing dried on the line, but on looking out the window and seeing ominous-looking clouds I thought it would be best to bring everything in anyway, so the dry things are in his laundry bag and the not-quite-dry-yet things are on a clothes horse in the lounge room with the fan heater on them.

Late last night I invited 11 "bezeroed" diarylanders to join zero-ed and so far one has (whee!) and another has written for clarification, and a third left me a note. That's about a 25% response rate, which is pretty damn good. =)

Meantimes I'm reading zerobucks and drinking cranberry juice and thinking about updating my pitas.


When I went out to check the letterbox one of next door's cats was sitting on my wall and she said "mew" and I said, "Oh, sweetums! I haven't seen you for ages!" and then spent about 10 minutes petting her. She's the cutest cat in the world, seriously. ^..^

She likes headbutting, but gently. Her owner has described her as "a cat's cat". She's such a girly little kitty. Dear sweet face with a white smudge just above her black nose, soft green-gold eyes, looooong white whiskers... If I was a cat I'd want to look like her. She's such a darling. :)

So she was headbutting my chest/armpit/shoulder and I was stroking her and she was saying "mew", then she switched to trying to headbutt the huge fern frond above her head. I was amused.

"I'm very frond of you, too." I told her. She just said "mew".

Awww, kitty...

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]