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stony broke
15:33 Wed 4 June 03

Rang Nils last night (after H left) to see what we were going to do today. He wanted to keep it cheap and suggested, since I would have to return his washing anyway, that I visit and we watch a DVD and eat in. "You cooking?" I asked cheerfully. "Uhm, I'm thinking..." he said, and the silence went on for a bit, so I said "How about I bring sandwiches and pick up some beer on the way? Sandwiches are cheap."

So the plan was that I front up at 1.30 with his laundry, two longnecks for him and whatever I wanted to drink, and some sandwiches (2x cheese & tomato, 2x Vegemite, and one with mashed banana & brown sugar), and we'd watch something and just hang out and chill.

It took me until just before I went to bed to do the math - after giving H $10 I had about $11 left, which might just cover it all (bus fare plus two kinds of grog, although he did say he'd reimburse me for the longnecks). On the other hand, his laundry weighed in at about 2kg (and was bulky as well), the longnecks would be around 2kg (glass bottles, see), and in what was I going to put the sandwiches so they didn't get squashed???

So I decided I was going to reneg in the morning, just say I wasn't feeling well or something like that.

Which I did.

And it's just as well I did coz H rang around 2.30, sounding very ashamed, asking if I could find another $5 to put in his petrol tank (his job, rather strangely, does not give a petrol allowance, although it does, in his words, "pay shitloads" - just that he hasn't had a full pay yet, so he's still really scraping every day).

If I'd gone to Nils', a) I would have been out, b) I wouldn't have had anything to give him. (And c, no way would I want him turning up at Nils' place.)

H said he'd be by in about 20 minutes, assuming he had enough in the tank to make it from where he was to my place...

Meantimes I was still waiting for Nils to turn up to collect his laundry.

"How priceless it would be," I said sarcastically to myself, "if they both turned up at the same time."

H might not have recognised Nils but Nils would have recognised H, and it would have been something like World War Three.

Not because Nils still carries a torch for me, because he doesn't; just because he strongly dislikes H, and always has.

Should Nils ever find out that I've been giving H money he may never speak to me again. He will certainly be very angry and I'll never hear the end of it. I could do without that shit (getting enough of that from my mother at the moment, tyvm).


The doorbell rang. It was Nils. I gave him his laundry and brought in my mail (which included the loan documents which I have to read/decipher, sign here, here and here... and return with my other papers, blah-de-blah).

It was at least ten minutes later when H turned up, so hopefully Nils would have been long gone.

Gave H $10. I don't drive so I don't know how far a person can go on $5 worth of gas, but surely $10 is better than $5..?

Then I put out the recycling and here we are.

Thinking of taking a shower (which I should have done already) and trotting up the road to the 7-11, where hopefully I will be able to persuade my visa card to allow me a pack of cigarettes and another carton of cranberry juice. My benefit is paid tomorrow, thank goodness, because the $1.10 I have left in cash doesn't buy a whole hell of a lot.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]