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not a lot
22:44 Sat 7 June 03

listening to:
The Presidents of the United States of America - The Presidents of the United States of America

Rang H yesterday evening as I hadn't heard back from him re the $100. He'd just got home and was about to have a nap and said he'd call me later.

Rewrote the previous entry and still wasn't happy with it.

Made a new layout for my blog.

Received a call from Nils that seemed to last about 20 minutes but which was actually 52m38s. Don't ask me what we talked about - either I've forgotten already or it's too personal or it requires too much backstory to make sense to third parties.

Updated my blog a little. Gazed longingly at my bed. Wondered if H was going to ring back. Considered having a shower. Fell asleep at my desk...

H rang at five to eleven and turned up about 20 minutes later to collect the Fender payment. Anticipating another round of "I really appreciate this..." I said, "Remember, this was my idea. You didn't ask for it. So don't feel bad."

Except he looked like he did anyway.

Then he went home and I went to bed.

Didn't do anything today other than reading the paper online and quoting/commenting on quite a lot of it in the blog. I'd been having cravings for a particular kind of spiced, grilled chicken that's sold up on K street so I was entertaining the notion of going out and getting some and coming home again and eating it in the back yard (possibly taunting the local cats but otherwise enjoying the sunshine)... but I didn't get motivated. Stayed home all day, did nothing other than blog and sleep and read.

And try to look at my watch...


hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]