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a full moon and a full day's sleep
20:58 Sun 15 June 03

Stayed up very late Friday night coz I was expecting H to turn up (if he needed somewhere to sleep), or at least ring me, but it got to about 2am and I could not keep my eyes open a moment longer, so I left the outside light on, cranked up the volume on the doorbell ("just in case") and went to bed.

Rang him in the morning. Three or four rings before he picked up. He said he'd been asleep. He didn't sound like he was asleep. He sounded perfectly chirpy to me. He wanted to know why I was calling. "Well, I didn't hear back from you yesterday and you said you were afraid to go home... I remember what that feels like and I was worried about you."

Then he sounded guilty: "Oh, thanks. But it's okay. I talked to James and we worked it out."

He said he was having a lie-in and he'd call me later.

Did a few reviews in the afternoon.

Went to bed very early - around 8pm - because I was so damn tired.

Was online for about 2 hours this morning but had to go back to bed (having completed not one review, I'm sorry to say) because if I didn't I'd just fall asleep at the desk anyway, and that's not good for my neck.

Slept through most of today, getting up only twice to go to the loo.

H rang at five. He sounded weird. He sounded like he was checking on me. He also sounded like he was hiding something. I kept my mouth shut, just made appropriate noises when given the opportunity. He said he was feeling "very flat" and he'd ring me back later, or I could ring him. So I read and dozed on-and-off and rang him at 8.30. He wanted to know why I was ringing. "You rang me earlier and said I could ring you later..."

Turned out he didn't have anything to say, just kept going on about how he was feeling "flat".

Hmm, right.

I guess the high point of the weekend was the beautiful full moon Saturday night. The yard actually looked quite pretty.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]