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07:27 Wed 25 June 03

Names are real names. Initials are used when I don't think it would be wise to use real names. "Descriptive names" (eg RadioBoy) are used when someone is unlikely to be mentioned much or else has the same first name as someone who's more central to my life.

Occasionally in alphabetical order, but otherwise in some kind of order...

Alice & Terry - my sister and her husband
Carl & Cynthia - my brother and his wife

H - my boyfriend (more info)

K - H's ex
P - K's ex-husband

DQ, Nils, RadioBoy - exes

Pav - adopted sister who is 12 but with a mental age of about five; lives with my mother who previously fostered her (more info)

my parents - dad is 68, mum is "55 again"; they separated in 1995

Dr Weldon - my therapist

Anna, Jane, Katie, Maddy, Maxine - online friends, some of whom I see offline too

Kaylee - former bandmate of H's
James - H's flatmate (aka roommate)

Les - DQ's flatmate
Vicky - DQ's girlfriend

AmwayGirl, DietGirl, JacquelineJo - former schoolfriends

Tara, Toby - Maddy's kids

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]