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11:17 Thu 19 June 03

I hope the various ring owners will forgive me for restyling the code but a lot of the links could not be seen (my link colours weren't contrasting with the background colour the ring owner chose)...

If I've changed your code and you insist I change it back, leave me a note or else send email. I will comply with your wishes if it's really important to you. :)

1024 x 768
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

I Love HTML.
<last - random - d*L - list - next>

every damn day
<last - random - d*L - list - next>

punctuation is my friend
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

glasses are sexy
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

I like tattoos
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

Dr Who fan
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

hitch-hiker's fan
go - stick - your head - in - a pig

I'm addicted to books
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

the forensics ring
decayed - random - d*L - investigate - fresh

getting old
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

procrastinators unite
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

I love tea
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

I love Vanilla Coke
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

cow lovers
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

cows kick major ass
cows kick major ass
<< - ? - d*L - # - >>

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]