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17:59 Thu 3 April 03

I painted my nails last night, or at least - the nails of my left hand. I am right-handed. I almost always forget to paint the right-hand nails first. If I do the left hand first, what usually happens is I don't get around to doing the right hand and I have to take the polish off the left hand before I can go out, and I get annoyed.

Orange, lilac and metallic white.

The most recent colours I bought.

I couldn't make up my mind which one to use so I decided to use them all and alternate.

I should have filed my nails before I started. A couple of them are a bit snaggy. Ugh.

Two coats on the left hand. So far: two coats on two fingers of the right hand, one coat on two fingers of the right hand, one finger with nothing on it yet.

How silly.

I'm in a funny mood.

And I hate to beg but please do my nails survey.

Actually, I'm cranky.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]