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23:54 Mon 7 April 03

Feeling kinda ugh. :(

Spent the last 8 or so hours in bed, mostly sleeping. It wasn't particularly that I was tired, just cold, and the cheapest way to keep warm is to go to bed, and once I'm warm and comfortable and such I tend to fall asleep.

I was supposed to go to therapy today but I cancelled and rescheduled the appointment at 12.30pm. I would have done it sooner only their line was engaged the first three times I called. They didn't ask why I was cancelling.

My therapist can only bulk-bill me once per calendar month, see, which is why I only go once per calendar month. I need to be going weekly or at least fortnightly, but I can't afford an upfront cash outlay on that scale on an ongoing basis (even with the Medicare rebate, because in my experience they can take up to 6 weeks to put the rebate through). My Medicare card expired last month and I still haven't received my new one. Without a current Medicare card I would have to pay the fee in cash upfront anyway, and without a current Medicare card I can't put in a claim for the rebate.

Screwed either way, in other words.

My replacement card had better come through soon, though - more urgent than seeing my shrink (well, kinda) is renewing my script (anti-depressants) and I can't do that either without a current Medicare card. I have the script (2 repeats left), but the pharmacy won't fill it without the Medicare card. And before the Easter long weekend I have to see my GP for something - again, need the Medicare card to see the doctor and he needs to give me a script and that can't be filled without the Medicare card. I'm going to be in serious shit if the bloody thing doesn't turn up very very soon.

Two nosebleeds today, one of them major.

Starting to get a headache now, too. I suppose that's because I'm awake.

Nobody rang me today. I think I'm feeling sorry for myself.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]