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05:51 Wed 2 April 03

I've been up for a couple of hours. I slept away the afternoon and evening of yesterday other than to briefly answer the door and reclaim my camera, and to mumble something about having a headache and not being able to burn the CD right away... (having slept most of yesterday I haven't set up the rest of the puter stuff, like the CD burner)

Before passing out I emailed my contact person in H's former band and explained that I would not be doing the site any more, and why, and recommended a couple of my html-savvy online friends he could talk to as possible replacements.

Then I took some codeine and lay down.

I woke up after about 2 hours, thinking it should have been more than two hours. I felt lightly drugged but not as much as I thought I would. I had dreamed something strange but I don't remember it now.

Doorbell rang sometime after that.

Woke again around 8.30, went to the loo, then back to sleep.

Woke about midnight, had a couple of slices of buttered bread and some orange juice and went back to sleep.

Dreamed about RadioBoy, my very first boyfriend (junior high). We were doing something much more sexual than we ever did IRL.

Woke around 3am all fuddy and spent a while in an autistic-like state, pressing designs into the flesh of my inner arms with my oh-so-long fingernails, until I realised it was gonna bruise and look weird, and made myself stop.

Funny thing is it didn't hurt.

I'm in pain again now, though. It's not quite a headache again yet, but getting there. And I'm out of milk so I can't have tea unless I go to the 7-11. I suppose I'll have to do it eventually - may as well do it now. It'll be light soon...

Bed looks so inviting, though. Fave stuffie is keeping my pillow warm for me. :)

Would like to lie down again, snuggle under the blanket, doze off, but this pain is getting metallic and it's hard to ignore. I don't want to take more codeine straight away and ordinary painkillers won't even put a dent in it. So I don't know. My knees are cold... Maybe I could just read for a while. Blankie, stuffie, book, soothing music... Yeah.

At least until it gets light.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]