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wrong number
22:20 Thu 10 April 03

listening to: Shatter the Illusion of Integrity, Yeah - Emperor Penguin

In a strange fit of enthusiasm I started cutting my nails today. Having been a nailbiter until about 7 years ago I'm still not very good at the self-manicure, and anyway, I like my nails long (now that I have them), so I don't even cut them once a month.

And then I went to sleep in the afternoon and dreamed I had bitten all the nails on my right hand, and even more badly than when I used to bite them for real. I was relieved to wake up and find it wasn't true. :)

The phone woke me. It was Nils.

him: Did your phone ring before?
me: Don't think so. I was asleep.
him: I must have called the wrong number, then.
me: Nobody answered?
him: No.

He talked about his day and gave me feedback on some links I sent him (most of what's in my pitas to date, but I don't want him knowing about that so I emailed the items I thought he'd find amusing), then asked what I'd been up to lately.

me: Not much.
him: Finished tidying your room? Bought a new DVD cable yet?
me: I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number.

Ah, yes, sometimes I can be witty. :)

And sometimes I can even remember what I said. ;)

We talked for almost an hour all up but I can't remember anything else we said. :(

Oh, except that he's going to ring me on Sunday and we'll go for coffee.

So I didn't actually finish doing my nails - put myself down for a nap after doing the left hand and two nails on the right hand. This is typical of my manicure procedure and also fairly typical of a lot of things I do - I start but don't quite finish. I can't be going out with three very long nails and the rest all short, though... so sometime before Sunday midday I have to do those other three.

Mmmm, yeah.

And H didn't call yet. :( At this point I start going psycho.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]