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21:23 Mon 21 April 03

My birthday was 10 weeks ago. Nils gave me a card. Alice gave me a card. My mother gave me a card. Pav drew me a card. A bunch of online friends (and a couple of rellos) sent me ecards. The three of my online friends who I also see offline gave me cards.

Three weeks before my birthday I reminded H that it would be my birthday in three weeks. "Happy birthday for in-three-weeks," he said. I rolled my eyes. "I would really like you to give me a card," I said, doing my damn best not to sound whiny.

What, as they say, is wrong with this picture?

I reminded him again a few days before my birthday.

I asked him about it a week or so after my birthday.

I've asked about it twice since then.

I think I should stop asking. It's not worth all that much when I have to ask for it in the first place, and hardly worth anything if I have to keep asking.


His birthday is coming up. I haven't got him anything yet, not even a card.

I probably will get a card, later.

I don't think I'm gonna buy him anything this year, though.

I gave him something very nice for Christmas.

He didn't give me anything for Christmas, not even a card.

I don't actually hold that against him, though.


It's my dad's birthday in a couple of weeks. I haven't got him anything yet, either. But that's different.


I just wanted a card from H. I told him I didn't want anything expensive, that I would actually prefer something he made himself, on "any old bit of paper". I told him it didn't have to be fantastic, just a drawing on the front and a few words inside, and I would adore it because he made it for me.

Haven't got it yet.

Not gonna ask after it any more.

I think I need to go back on the happy pills.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]