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06:52 Sat 21 June 03

I had a little girl, about 3 years old. For a change it wasn't Pav, although her name did start with P (so symbolically it might have been Pav). She was a smartarse and was telling me, "Mummy, I didn't ask you to _____ when I was a baby." Things like "hold my head up" and "bath me". She had this idea that I was trying to run her life (derrr). I tried to explain that I had to do those things because she couldn't do them for herself. "Look at the size of your head, girl!" I said. "You didn't have the muscles to hold that up by yourself. You take after your daddy, you know."

Later I was wearing an adult-sized kiddie-type romper suit, except I'd left it undone at the bottom and was wearing shorts under it. My mother saw me walking down the street in this outfit and frowned disapprovingly. She said her sister was coming to dinner and I had to wear something nice and behave myself.

Meantimes I was working on a layout in Photoshop. It had a fridge in it. The fridge had a number of cute little icons in it. I was trying to get the milk icon to move to the top shelf.

Then I was eating a bowl of chocolate mousse. A number of people came along and wanted some. Cynthia's sister took a spoonful and said, "It's not very nice, is it." and spat it back into the bowl.

Next I was having dinner at my mother's with Pav and auntie J. I had a blue bowl containing green beans. Everyone else had a plate containing a complete meal. I said something whiny to my mother and she said that when I ate my beans I could have something else.

At the end there was something about having to climb around on poles and platforms (which may have been suspended from the Sydney Harbour Bridge) but being afraid my bag would fall and break everything inside it.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]