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more coffee
01:38 Tue 1 April 03

This is a continuation of the previous entry. Read that first, please. :)

After H left I put my headphones back on and read my book, and eventually ordered and drank another coffee. After that, paid (for both of us), tipped $1.50 (this is not America), and walked down K street, swinging my umbrella (it rained considerably during the day but stopped while I was out, which was probably just as well).

Went to the Irish pub and had one rum & orange while watching the war report on cable on the big screen (the audio of which was way down and the piped music so loud I couldn't hear my playlist over the top, so I switched it off) - fortunately (?) I can lip-read fairly well, although accents (that is, mispronunciations of English as I spaketh it) can throw me, and a Dutch reporter trying to speak Noo Yawk... er, well... *meh*

Crossed over to the bus stop and waited bloody ages for a homebound bus. Meantimes a scraggly (perhaps homeless) person insisted on a light for his rollie. He had a lot of facial hair and I was worried about setting fire to it...

Got a bus, came home.

Finished the new layout and meantimes drank 1.75 bottles of beer (what I had left in the fridge).

Logged in, changed my templates, added the previous entry.

This is more for my reference than yours, of course. :)

Tried to play some of the tracks I ripped earlier and found that CoolPlayer had died. Reluctantly opened NeroMediaPlayer (fuckugly interface, IMO) and beat the playlist editor into submission (this is why I prefer CoolPlayer - it doesn't presume to know what I want to hear).

Ran out of beer.

Poured 1/4 glass of white wine and added 3/4 glass of mineral water (which bottle I found in the "spare" bedroom a couple of weeks ago - by best estimates it's been there, unopened, at least 3 years ... "spare" meaning "that room which I have been using for storage which will eventually be H's when I get all the crap out of it and he deigns to move in").

Promptly spilled about a fifth of the wine/soda on my desk.

Mopped up said spill with tissues.

Realised the previous entry was incomplete...

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]