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19:19 Sun 6 April 03

listening to: Resistance is Useful - beaverloop


Pardon me.

Spent about 4 hours online this morning, then went down the road for milk and the paper. Came back, read about half the paper, then fell asleep in the garden (it was sunny and quite warm today). Woke up with a heat-induced headache, moved into the shade and went back to sleep for a little while (the wind chimes are soothing). Finally came back inside around 2pm and read the rest of the paper, then had a proper nap in bed.

The rest of the day has been mostly occupied with making a new layout for my general site. It's been so long since I used frames I fear I've forgotten how to do them, so it'll probably be a popup (the layout is 600x300).

Did two significant things while I was online - started a new blog at pitas (I have such mixed feelings about xanga it's not funny) and found somewhere to move my general site to. There hasn't been much on it lately because I've been using third-party services for my main output (blogging and journalling), but I decided I did want to do a review site and I'd rather not use diaryland for that (various reasons, no slur on diaryland) so logically it would go on my general site. Except of course the bugger hasn't been accessible for three days now and the host's site is also down... So maybe they had a DoS attack, and that's not their fault, but if that kind of thing happens I expect the host to tell the paying customers what's going on. And they haven't. And I'm pissed.

Didn't need a whole heck of a lot of space and didn't want to pay through the nose for it, either, which significantly narrowed my choices. I know there are places I could get hosted for free, but a) they'll have horrid ads, and b) most free hosts don't allow external linking, and I've only got 5Mb here as a gold member and I want to be free to use pretty image layouts in my pitas (and in typical me fashion, change the layout whenever I get tired of the old one)... and I don't want to use most of my diaryland space for pitas... even if they are run by the same guy.

Freedom of design and creativity, that's what I want.

I am going to try to get a refund out of the old host for the unused months. Granted, it was a 10Mb cheapie deal, but I had to pay a year upfront and I'm not happy with the service and lack of communication (and not to mention that they bungled my setup twice and had to redo it, which didn't exactly inspire my confidence in the first place).

So for the moment the pitas design is colourful but extremely basic (I modified a generic template). I'll link it up in my sidebar when I've got the real design sorted out, and that won't be til my new hosting is all set up and stuff. It is the weekend, so I don't expect them to have it done for another couple of days. Meantimes, if you're really keen, you can go see, but don't yell at me if the colours hurt your eyes - I was in a hurry. ^_^

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]