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more leftovers
03:13 Sat 19 April 03

This being more stuff which I should have said already but forgot to, and since whoever reads this (heee) will have already read the week that wasn't and the previous entry (well, hopefully) I figure it will be an unreasonable pain in the ass to ask you/them to read it again just to get the bits I missed...

1. life imitates dream

Monday the 14th, after the pub but before going to therapy.

I decided to check out the old shopping centre. I can't have been there since 98 sometime, more likely longer than that. But I dream about the place a lot, so I thought I'd go have a look.

The first thing that was weird was it turns out that there is a forecourt, although it's used as a parking lot. I could have sworn the place didn't have a forecourt, but in my dreams it almost always has one (but with grass and shrubs and seats to sit on - wishful thinking, I guess).

The second thing that was weird was that all the shops in the first "leg" of the arcade were closed - with security shutters and everything. Which is exactly how it is when I dream about going in via the secondary entrance.

I expected that when I turned the corner into the main concourse there'd be shops open... but everything was as dead and still and all-shut-up as the first leg. I gazed around in wonderment.

"Excuse me," I said to a woman who was walking in my direction, "is it always like this?" She said yes, it was - for the last 6 months or so, anyway, and that the whole block had been bought by a development company and they were just waiting for final eviction before the place was razed.


Given it was probably going to be my last RL visit I figured I'd better take some photos.

can't see round corners

This is just one shot out of about 60. I desaturated it because I'd forgotten, when snapping away, to compensate for the fluoro lighting, so everything was rather greenish... and it's also a lot smaller here than "actual size" coz I intend to use it for a layout and I don't want anyone swiping it and beating me to it (or worse, making a better layout out of it than I can).

It's probably also the best shot of the lot - with regards to composition if not lighting.

And what is it? Part of the ramp that goes down to the carpark. I dream about being on that ramp a lot. At least now I have a photo of it.

2. is it a bird..?

Wednesday the 16th. Didn't do a whole lot, as previously noted, but was seriously pissed off to discover, sometime in the afternoon, that I had my period again. Technically this is my body's way of reminding me that I've fucked up my contraceptive schedule, so it was my own fault, but I was still pissed off (and now I have yet another bloodstained pair of knickers because I was caught unawares). And after cleaning myself up and getting a pad and so forth, discovered I also had a case of thrush. Oh, what joy. Not.

So sometime today I really gotta get off my ass and go buy some Canesten. Yeah.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]