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things that make me go grrrr
12:17 Sun 20 April 03

1. me

I didn't go to bed til about 3.30am.

2. H

Being rather annoyed at not having heard from him first I rang around 11 this morning. He wasn't quite awake. He said he'd ring back later. Still waiting.

3. my phone

It can't keep the right time. It doesn't always notify me when I have voicemail. Sometimes it doesn't even ring when someone's calling me. It's about 2 years old and out of warranty. I've rung the service provider and my choices are - a) take it to the nearest authorised service centre (which is miles and miles away and I don't even know how to get there) and be without it for however long and maybe have it go wrong again after that; and, b) upgrade to a newer model. Upgrading makes more sense, but the one I want (Nokia 6385) comes on a plan I can't afford and the plan I can afford only offers models with the same limited features as my current one (I want downloadable ringtones and a hands-free kit, dammit!!). So I haven't decided what I'm gonna do about that yet.

4. this

To save you going there, here's what I said:

I've just added the %%older_entries%% code to my entry template and find that my latest entry, which happens to be in the /private folder, is showing up (and it doesn't show up on the regular older.html page, which suits me fine). Except the link shows it as being a regular entry (not in the /private folder), so if someone were to click it they'd get your error page (which is also fine by me). Except if private entries don't show on the regular archive I don't think they should show on the "last five" on entry pages. Also I don't want to confuse or annoy my readers (I'm only sharing private entries with a few people at this time). Can you fix this? Please? Thanks, Nina

See, there is actually an entry in between 11a and 13 but it's a private entry. It doesn't show up on the regular archive. I wouldn't mind if it did as long as the URL was shown correctly (so if anyone pays attention to their status bar they'd know it was a private entry coz they'd see it was neeena.../private/20030412.html). Anyway, it doesn't show up there but it does show up in the "last five"... and that would be okay except that it's missing the "/private/" in the URL. Partial screenshot:

not what we want

It's the one in yellow (unvisited link colour) that's the problem.

So I've taken the "last five" off the template for the time being.

hasta la vista
an explanation
very bad karma
this little piggy...

feeling rather...

photo & layout copyright 2003: Nina, [email protected]